How is Nailsworth Scrubs for Heroes helping?


Volunteer sewers from Nailsworth have come together to help make up the shortfall in our area.

They are not only making scrubs in a range of sizes, but also scrub caps, scrub bags – so the clothes can be transported and washed safely by staff at home – and headbands to alleviate the pressure of face masks.

We have also got a group of volunteers making full-face visors which we are distributing where needed the most.

I have to say I wish this wasn’t necessary, but we are living in unprecedented times. And I think, perhaps, the procurement process is not as sufficiently nimble for the current situation as our local councils and government are trying to make us believe.


People’s generosity

I am constantly humbled by people’s loveliness, and generosity. From people dropping off fabric (with a shy smile and a social distance), everyone is desperate to do what they can to help. And we need you all to continue to do so until we find a vaccination against this virus.

Our team does feel under pressure because we know that a surgery, care home or hospital is sitting there waiting for us to finish making them visors and scrubs. But it is all worth it when you are able to deliver a complete PPE set to the people who are on the front line day in and day out.

While some hospitals specify plain dark fabrics, others have said they are happy for the scrubs to be made from different coloured or patterned material, meaning the sewers can use fabric donations such as good quality, clean sheets, duvets, table clothes.

Our aim is to fulfil personal orders for individual NHS staff and care workers who need scrubs, who probably do not usually wear them but need to now.

There is currently a shortage in some areas. We are hoping that, by setting up our own community garment-making hub, we can make a difference little by little for our local carer.


How can you help us?

We are looking for confident pattern-cutters so that our seamstress can make individual scrub sets more quickly.

We also need people to make face masks.

If you are member of the public and you would like to sponsor Nailsworth Scrubs for Heroes efforts, we have a GoFundMe set up:


(You can also find it by visiting and searching for Nailsworth Scrubs for Heroes.)


Or you can donate fabric/cotton threads/elastic, and drop it off to Sarah outside the library every Saturday morning from 8.15am–10.00am.


To get involved, visit or our Facebook group for details. Alternatively, contact Sarah Martin directly or tel: 07841 922639.