Nailsworth reopens !!

Nailsworth News!!
Please Support our local traders, our shops and business need you as our stores reopen.
Non-essential shops can open from today and community leaders have a message of support for high street traders who have been closed during the COVID-19 lockdown.
New Government guidance means all non-essential shops compliant with a corona virus risk assessment and which are following government distancing and hygiene guidelines can reopen from Monday, June 15.
Everyone must still stay two metres apart from each other, but consequently expect their shopping trips to take longer.
Nailsworth public toilets are expected to reopen on the 16th June.
Shopping will be a very different experience, please be observant of social distancing measures and be patient. Our shops need your support please shop local Nailsworth needs its community to be able to thrive once again.
Our Town Council will be brightening up the town with flowers on the pavement to remind us all to social distance.
Nailsworth Farmers Market reopens on the 27th June in Nailsworth Towns Bus Station to allow more space, as well as the normal stalls there will also be a click and collect service, which is available weekly order and pay by Noon every Tuesday and collect every Saturday morning in the time slot given to you when order is placed.
You can find more information about this service, details from Nailsworth Chamber of Trade website or in Nailsworth Town Council window. (Civic Centre notice board)
UK government advice means that from Monday, you will be able to visit any type of shop and some additional outdoor attractions – drive-in cinemas, and animal attractions like zoos, farms and safari parks.
You will have to wear a face covering on public transport.
You will still be able to meet outdoors with groups of up to six people from different households, provided social distancing is observed and you stay 2 metres away from anyone outside your household or support bubble.
Cafes, bars, restaurants, and pubs cannot yet open, however.
It is important to remember to:
• stay at home as much as possible
• work from home if you can
• limit contact with other people
• keep your distance if you go out (2 metres apart where possible)
• wash your hands regularly
• Do not leave home if you or anyone in your household has symptoms.