Nailsworth News – November 2020

Sarah Martin Gains Recognition
Sarah is the face of the Nailsworth Chamber of Trade and everyone in Nailsworth is aware of what she and her team have achieved both during the Covid-19 crisis and when floods threatened Nailsworth’s businesses back in the summer.
Gloucestershire County Council decided to issue certificates to those in the community who had gone the extra mile for their communities to recognise their achievements. As reported last
month in Nailsworth News, District Councillors Steve Robinson and Norman Kay nominated Sarah for this award and County Council agreed that Sarah should be the recipient.
The certificate, together with a bouquet of flowers were presented to Sarah by Norman Kay, at the Saturday morning Market.
Accepting the certificate Sarah said that the award must be for the whole of her team, as she could not have achieved it without them. Norman Kay said: “In any community there are some
people who quietly go about what needs doing, day after day, week after week.
These people are real gems. They are the mortar that binds a community together and gives it solidarity. You will know of course that we are talking about Sarah Martin, who with her team,
stepped in where we were first struck by Coronavirus and we learned that our vulnerable
people needed to isolate themselves.
How then, she asked, were they to obtain food and other necessities? Sarah’s idea, with others in her team of willing helpers, was to organise regular home deliveries of meals. Sarah teamed up with Calcott Manor and Ben’s Kitchen Tetbury chefs, who provided not only for the vulnerable group in our society, but also the NHS and other key workers with this support. If this was not enough, Sarah also organised with the help of others to fill the shortage of PPE, by making them for use by care workers and others.”
NN Editorial Team